
9 Forward Steps to Work You Love

9 Forward Steps to Work You Love

Do you ever feel stuck? Do you know you are destined for more, but you are not sure what or how to get there? Perhaps you find yourself in a job that is draining and sucking the life out of you. You go to work, day in day out, but you live for 5 o’clock. Each weekday, the clock seems to tick even slower than it did the previous day. If this sounds familiar, you may be ready for a change.
According to a Gallup poll, twice as many people dislike their jobs as there are those who enjoy their jobs. In fact, only 13% of people are truly happy with their work, and 24% absolutely hate their jobs. The other 63% are actively disengaged. Now, that is a lot of people who are just going through the motions. Maybe you are one of these people. I can say with certainty that I have been there. So, how do you get yourself unstuck?
Realize that it is time for a change. The most important step in getting unstuck is realizing that change is necessary. Otherwise, you stay in the same pattern until you realize that you don’t have to anymore. Most people stay in the same place because they don’t understand they have a choice.
Start noticing what brings you joy. What do you love doing, talking about, and reading about? What is a subject or activity holds your attention for hours? What would you enjoy doing even if you didn’t get paid for it?
Start paying attention to what you are really good at. What are your strengths and natural talents? What do others tell you you’re good at? If you aren’t sure, ask people who know you well. Friends and family are usually quite happy to share their opinions.
Begin exploring different options to see what fits. Once you really open yourself up to your passions and talents, an inner shift occurs and you start realizing you have options. All of a sudden, you no longer feel stuck, and you have a new sense of optimism and aliveness.
Create a written vision of the work you would love to be doing. Imagine yourself one year from now, doing work that you absolutely love. Describe in great detail what you are doing, who you are working with, what your work setting looks like, and how you feel. The more details you can bring into your vision, the better. Actually see yourself waking up, excited and passionate about what you get to do. Visualize going through your entire workday – happy, fulfilled, with a deep sense of purpose.
Read your vision aloud morning and night just upon awakening and just before sleeping. By having your vision in writing and reading it aloud, you will be engaging your sense of touch, sight, and sound. It will become so real, you may even begin to taste it.
Join a mastermind group. A mastermind group is a peer-to-peer mentoring group created to support one another in accomplishing goals, providing feedback, brainstorming new ideas, and providing accountability. If you cannot find a mastermind group to join, you can create your own with people who are also working on similar goals.
Take action steps daily toward your dream. Even if the steps are small at first, those small steps will add up. Before long, you will be taking larger steps toward your dream.
Continue to do your best in the job or situation you are currently in, knowing that it is just a stepping stone. Thinking negatively about your current job can zap the energy you need to create your dream work. Try to acknowledge something you appreciate about it every day. The more you can focus on what is working well in the situation you are currently in, the more success you will bring to every area of your life.
Before you realize it, you will be well on your way to doing work that gives you a deep sense of purpose and passion. You will become one of the 13% of people who absolutely love their work.


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