
Busy is Better – Focus on the Priorities and the Possibilities

Busy is Better – Focus on the Priorities and the Possibilities

When I was a young person, one of my mentors told me, “If you want to get something done, ask someone who’s already busy to do it.” This seemed counter-intuitive or even ridiculous to me then. Today, while I can’t explain why it works, experience has, indeed, taught me that people who are already getting a lot done seem to be most able to do more.
In a recent study of college students, it was revealed that students who worked a part-time job up to 20 hours per week in addition to their coursework actually performed better and got higher grades than their fellow students who didn’t work at all. There is something about having a lot to do that forces us to both prioritize and focus.
Success is a result of not only doing things right but also doing the right things. People who write things down, keep a detailed calendar, and organize their time function at a higher level while producing more and better results. In much the same way that organized investors get better returns on their money, organized people get better results from their time.
I have written 30 books having sold in excess of 10 million copies. In each of my books, as well as in all of these weekly columns, I provide my contact information. People from around the world call or email me about a variety of questions involving success. Among the most frequently-asked questions I receive is, “How do you get so much done?” I have no definitive answer other than my time is very well organized by an efficient and effective team of professionals.
All of my books and these weekly columns, including the words you are reading now, are typed, proofed, and edited by my colleague, Dorothy Thompson. In addition to being the best grammarian and editor in the publishing industry, Dorothy manages my calendar, correspondence, and daily activities. Recently, due to some family health issues and the holiday season, Dorothy was out of the office for almost a full month, only coming in a few hours each week to deal with the most critical matters.
Ironically, we found that when she returned to the office full-time, we were amazingly caught up with all of our tasks, duties, and responsibilities. Without fully intending to do so, we had organized the most critical elements of our work into the most productive activities surrounding those few hours that Dorothy and I could work together.
Unlike most people, as a blind person myself, having my team around me is not simply a convenience. It is a necessity. To this end, my blindness has probably made me more efficient and effective.
I believe each of us can do more with less if we will just focus on the priorities and the possibilities.
As you go through your day today, maximize your minutes with the activities that matter.


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