
How to Get Ready to Achieve Your Goal in a Week – 7 step Formula

How to Get Ready to Achieve Your Goal in a Week – 7 step Formula

Here at Getmotivation, we are always trying to share advice and ideas that you can use to get motivation and inspiration to achieve your goals. It goes without saying that every person has dreams and desires, but not everyone makes the effort to achieve them.
What is the problem? Why is it hard to live your dreams? In short, people are often not ready to take the first step.
You may not have thought about it, but you can get ready to achieve your goal in a week. This period is enough to carry out your plan and start a better life.
Here is a plan for one week that will help you get inspiration.
1. Monday. Write down your goals. There are many benefits of writing down your goals. No matter how many goals you have, you need to prioritize them. Choose the most important one for you and get ready to achieve it soon. Check out the importance of writing down your goals here.
2. Tuesday. Visualize your goal. It is a good idea to create a corner with things that motivate you to achieve your goal. For example, if you want to travel to Paris, you need to find beautiful pictures of this city, souvenirs, other travelers’ stories, etc. You need to see what you are working hard for.
3. Wednesday. Find support. One of the most important things you should do is finding people who share your thoughts, ideas, and desires. It can be hard to achieve your goal, so you need to have a person to speak with. Think of people in your life who can support you. Discuss your progress, listen to their feedback, and get the motivation to move further.
4. Thursday. Get inspiration. Meet people who have succeeded in achieving the same or similar goals to what you’re working towards. As a general rule, it is enough to find two or three persons who motivate you. Learn from them, and model what works for them as best you can in your own life.
If you want to find inspiration, you should do the following:
– read successful stories;
– find proofs;
– subscribe to their social networks;
– follow their experience.
5. Friday. Buy a notebook. You can use your notebook to write down steps for achieving your goal as well as completed points. Be picky about this notebook, as it needs to motivate you. Write down your progress so you can see your results. Bend over backwards not to miss your small achievements, as you need to know them from A to Z. Being able to look back on your progress along your journey can be a great motivator.
6. Saturday. Relax. What is the best way for you to relax? Do what you like, and stop thinking about your goals. Make it natural, and don’t be too concentrated on what is still left to do. Spend Saturday relaxing.
Here are several ways to relax:
– read a book;
– meet friends;
– visit museums or cinemas;
– exercise;
– travel to another city.
7. Sunday. Start thinking positive. Let’s call a spade a spade: it is important to believe in yourself, try to change your expectations, actions, and reactions. From now on, you need to stay happy and positive, as you can’t give up. Never.
If you are serious about achieving your goals, try this plan for one week. It doesn’t guarantee you will accomplish things, but it can help you understand how to get ready to achieve your goal.


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