
The Prison – Developing Self BeliefThe Prison – Developing Self Belief

The Prison – Developing Self Belief

Existence cocooned by four, strictly vertical, unscalable, unbreakable walls.
There is enough space to maneuver but there are limits. The debilitating barriers of mediocrity. A fuzzy, distant haze so far and yet magically so near. A restricted view, obscured by the convoluted, rigmarole of daily shenanigans and the drudgery of carving a life within the strict parameters of the prison. Outside there is a world of outstanding creativity. There is everything one can desire, want or need but you’re indisposed, your hands are tied, your path is blind.
Two simple questions come to mind;
1. Where did the prison originate?
2. How does one escape it?
From the beautiful moment you are born, your negative wiring installation begins.
Hard wired negativity bludgeons our blessed minds into submission and fills our hallowed mindset with self-doubt and insecurity.
Don’t you dare try and tell me, that’s not ‘you’, that it couldn’t possibly be ‘you’, that you are so past that and so brimming with, almost overflowing with confidence.
We all carry the burden of self-doubt, maybe it doesn’t harpoon your life 24/7 but you do have it, even if it’s that little niggle in the back of your mind telling you ‘you might just fail’, ‘you’re going to have a bad meeting’, ‘your partner thinks you’re not good enough’, ‘the person you report to doesn’t rate you etc, etc, etc I know it’s there because I know you’ve been wired to think that way but here’s the good news, so have I, so has your partner, so have your colleagues and the even better news….. there is an escape from the self-doubting, crippling walls of your imprisonment. It can be done. You can have your very own ‘Alcatraz’ escape plan, you can leave your confinement and feel the full force of what is available to you in this amazing world and you can discover the amazing realms and capabilities of your very own mind.
Of course you’ve had some success, maybe you’ve had masses of success but wherever you are in life, do you really believe you’ve achieved all that you could have achieved, do you really believe your health, your relationships are in the fittest of form, at the peak of performance? Don’t you think you could have more? Greater success? Greater ability and Greater possibility.
I’m not going to delve into immense, laborious plans of action and spew out the usual mixture of generic pointers being spouted by almost every Personal Development article you’ll read. That’s for another day.
I’m just going to give you one simple suggestion, that should extend your ladder above the walls you’re incarcerated within.
One simple idea that could help dig your escape tunnel, even potentially bulldoze you headfirst through your walls and into the empire of unlimited possibility.
CONCENTRATE like you’ve never concentrated in your life. Think, think, think and then think again – Think about the things you truly desire. A particular car, a stunning new house, a beautiful, scintillating relationship. Whatever it is, it must consume you in TWO ways;
1. Make your heart beat faster and subsequently fill you with uncontrollable excitement
2. Fill you with immeasurable dread and fear that you may never attain such a glorious prize
If your concentration and thinking hasn’t catapulted you to such a juncture, then you’ve got work to do.
DESIRE is the only ladder, bulldozer, tool you’ll need to escape the self-doubts you’re saddled with. It’s the only magnet that will pull you through. Once your heart is set, your escape plan commences. The plan of action comes later, for now your foundation, your rocket-fuel, your gunpowder is simply the forceful magic, wonder & surprise of wanting something so badly, so impatiently, so persistently that it overcomes any insecurity that you’re just not talented enough, lucky enough or experienced enough to get there. You have to BELIEVE you are capable, so don’t worry about the ’how’ just yet, your ONLY consideration is your destination.
A destination that makes your heart beat faster and scares the living daylights out of you. You were born for total greatness, unfortunately the jaundiced world has attempted to decelerate your magnitude and damage your progress but once your heart is pounding, your mindset will follow, add to that a plan, some action and a deadline, then those four walls of your personal impeding institution will be a distant memory confined to your self-doubting, insecure past. ONWARDS to the marvel you were intended for.
                                                                                                         - WEEKLY MOTIVATION


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